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回应(0 条)  鲜花(0)  举报 cindy 在 134月前 点评了 AA 建筑材料专营批发零售公司
  • 分数

building material purchase

Dear Manager,
we are a Chinese factory providing various marble and granite for building. if you are in demand for marble and granite, please do not hesitate to contact me. i sincerely hope that we will have cooperation in future.
email: 13665017@163.com
MSN: cindy_13665017@hotmail.com
skype: cindy_13665017

Best Wishes,

回应(0 条)  鲜花(0)  举报 cindy 在 134月前 点评了 阿罕布拉建材公司
  • 分数

building material purchase

Dear Manager,
we are a Chinese factory providing various marble and granite for building. if you are in demand for marble and granite, please do not hesitate to contact me. i sincerely hope that we will have cooperation in future.
email: 13665017@163.com
MSN: cindy_13665017@hotmail.com
skype: cindy_13665017

Best Wishes,

回应(0 条)  鲜花(0)  举报 cindy 在 134月前 点评了 Southeast Construction Products
  • 分数

building material purchase

Dear Manager,
we are a Chinese factory providing various marble and granite for building. if you are in demand for marble and granite, please do not hesitate to contact me. i sincerely hope that we will have cooperation in future.
email: 13665017@163.com
MSN: cindy_13665017@hotmail.com
skype: cindy_13665017

Best Wishes,

回应(0 条)  鲜花(0)  举报 cindy 在 134月前 点评了 振兴装饰材料批发中心
  • 分数

building material purchase

Dear Manager,
we are a Chinese factory providing various marble and granite for building. if you are in demand for marble and granite, please do not hesitate to contact me. i sincerely hope that we will have cooperation in future.
email: 13665017@163.com
MSN: cindy_13665017@hotmail.com
skype: cindy_13665017

Best Wishes,

回应(0 条)  鲜花(0)  举报 cindy 在 134月前 点评了 Emerdex Group Inc.
  • 分数

building material purchase

Dear Manager,
we are a Chinese factory providing various marble and granite for building. if you are in demand for marble and granite, please do not hesitate to contact me. i sincerely hope that we will have cooperation in future.
email: 13665017@163.com
MSN: cindy_13665017@hotmail.com
skype: cindy_13665017

Best Wishes,

回应(0 条)  鲜花(0)  举报 cindy 在 134月前 点评了 时代建材中心
  • 分数

building material purchase

Dear Manager,
we are a Chinese factory providing various marble and granite for building. if you are in demand for marble and granite, please do not hesitate to contact me. i sincerely hope that we will have cooperation in future.
email: 13665017@163.com
MSN: cindy_13665017@hotmail.com
skype: cindy_13665017

Best Wishes,

回应(0 条)  鲜花(0)  举报 cindy 在 134月前 点评了 新世纪水泥装饰材料公司
  • 分数

building material purchase

Dear Manager,
we are a Chinese factory providing various marble and granite for building. if you are in demand for marble and granite, please do not hesitate to contact me. i sincerely hope that we will have cooperation in future.
email: 13665017@163.com
MSN: cindy_13665017@hotmail.com
skype: cindy_13665017

Best Wishes,

回应(0 条)  鲜花(0)  举报 cindy 在 134月前 点评了 U-Young Inc.
  • 分数

building material purchase

Dear Manager,
we are a Chinese factory providing various marble and granite for building. if you are in demand for marble and granite, please do not hesitate to contact me. i sincerely hope that we will have cooperation in future.
email: 13665017@163.com
MSN: cindy_13665017@hotmail.com
skype: cindy_13665017

Best Wishes,

回应(0 条)  鲜花(0)  举报 cindy 在 134月前 点评了 设计家
  • 分数

building material purchase

Dear Manager,
we are a Chinese factory providing various marble and granite for building. if you are in demand for marble and granite, please do not hesitate to contact me. i sincerely hope that we will have cooperation in future.
email: 13665017@163.com
MSN: cindy_13665017@hotmail.com
skype: cindy_13665017

Best Wishes,

回应(0 条)  鲜花(0)  举报 cindy 在 134月前 点评了 Spartan Supply Co.
  • 分数

building material purchase

Dear Manager,
we are a Chinese factory providing various marble and granite for building. if you are in demand for marble and granite, please do not hesitate to contact me. i sincerely hope that we will have cooperation in future.
email: 13665017@163.com
MSN: cindy_13665017@hotmail.com
skype: cindy_13665017

Best Wishes,
